Access Easy Control System - Easy Installation, Easy Management, Reliable Safety


Web Control Interface
The Access Easy Controller and Access Easy Master Controller each have a built-in Web server. This lets you use any standard Java-enabled Web browser running on a client computer to control access and program the system. Each system has its own, unique IP address — so users only need to log on to its "home page", at any time and from any place.

The system supports many functions besides door access control: guard tours, vehicle boom gate control, attendance tracking and more. Email or text messages can be sent to alert personnel in case of security breaches.
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The Web based compact access control system is simple to install and talks to your existing hard- and software without any problem. You can control any movement at any time from your own computer.
Installation and Configuration - In 4 Simple Steps
1. The Access Easy Controller functions as a Webserver. The client computer doesn’t need any software - it communicates with the controller via the Webbrowser.


The Essence of Simplicity
Easy to install
The Bosch Access Easy Control System takes the "plug and play" approach to installation - the integrated parameterizing software enables a quick, simple start-up.
Easy to network
The Access Easy Control System is a "network-ready" access control panel that’s quick and easy to connect to any network. This powerful ability lets you save big-time by optimally deploying your existing IT resources - so you spend less on new hardware.

You can access your Access Easy Control System from any computer with a Java-enabled Web-browser or wireless device via a LAN, WAN, intranet or the internet.
Easy to maintain
Because the Access Easy Control System doesn’t depend on any particular operating platform or system, you can upgrade without changing your computers or operating system.
Easy to operate
Thanks to the intuitive interfaces of today’s Web browsers, it’s just as easy to operate, control and monitor an Access Easy Controller as it is to surf the internet.

A four door system is easyly expandable to any size you need. The system is modular so your needs today are covered while giving room for future expansions. To enlarge your AEC system from 17 doors onwards you simply have to add the Access Easy Master Controller. This will enable you to connect up to 20 AEC systems for expansion to 320 doors, 640 inputs and 640 output relays.

Just run a standard network cable from the Access Easy Control panel to your computer or network port – then open your favorite Internet browser to configure and operate it from anywhere, whenever you like.
Operating System Independence
It doesn’t matter whether the client computer is a Windows PC, Macintosh or UNIX machine, or runs under some other operating system. The Access Easy Control System gives you complete flexibility, without any extra setup effort.
Comprehensive Security Functions
The Access Easy Controller supports a host of state-of-the-art security functions such as access control and presence tracking. E-mail or text messages can be automatically sent to alert personnel to security breaches. Configuration is made even easier by 255 sets of programmable schedule types. Each set in turn has four programmable time windows for all weekdays and holidays.

In these days of globalization, it’s good to know that your access control system can be operated without problem by users from different countries. The Access Easy Control System is available in many European and Asian languages.

A Flexible System for a Host of Applications
4 door system:

- Small and medium-sized enterprises
- Workshops
- Laboratories
- Architectural offices
- Warehouses
- Shops