AutoDome Modular Camera

Imagine a CCTV system that never becomes obsolete. That allows you to upgrade functionality, adapt to changing security needs and migrate to new technologies.
The entire system is based on five types of interchangeable modules: the CPU, camera, housing, communications and power supply. Simply replace one of the interchangeable modules to switch from fixed to PTZ, upgrade from color to day/night, or add advanced intelligence features like motion tracking and IP communication. Never before have you been able to adapt a system as quickly or inexpensively.

As your security needs changes, you can expand the functionality of your system by simply replacing the fully interchangeable CPU, camera and/or communication modules. The main unit remains intact. So you can start with a 100 Series fixed camera with the most basic features today and move up.

Just remove the bubble...

Take out the "hot swap" fixed camera module...

Take out the "hot swap" fixed camera module...

And replace the bubble.

- AutoTrack II object tracking
- Video motion detection
- Privacy masking and sector blanking
- Programmable alarm handling 'rules'
- fully interchangeable CPU, communications and hot-swap camera modules
- high-speed PTZ operation
- 540 TVL high resolution camera
- Day/Night IR sensitive camera
- SensUp frame integration
- UPT and coax transmission
- Hybrid analog/IP connectivity