BC80 - Reliable, safe and economical
Complete reliable, safe, and economical fire detection system. With the addressable BC80 (non UL System), Siemens offers a range of reliable fire safety products from fire detectors to control panels.
Vital for survival: protection against fire
Fire safety is an important issue for the survival and success of your business. Fires must be detected the instant they occur, before lives or property are jeopardized. With the addressable BC80, Siemens offers you a range of reliable – and economical – fire safety products from fire
detectors to control panels. They ensure accurate fire detection and alarm signaling, for effective protection of people, buildings, and assets.
Fire safety is an important issue for the survival and success of your business. Fires must be detected the instant they occur, before lives or property are jeopardized. With the addressable BC80, Siemens offers you a range of reliable – and economical – fire safety products from fire
detectors to control panels. They ensure accurate fire detection and alarm signaling, for effective protection of people, buildings, and assets.
Versatile products
BC80 comprises a wide range of products to meet varied requirements. Networking of products matches your needs. Products include, for example, addressable or collective heat and smoke detectors. Control panels are available from compact to large units, and can thus grow with your business
and requirements.
Advanced system technology
The BC80 system technology includes special patented process algorithms and ASICs. This increases immunity to environmental factors. For example, automatic drift compensation ensures that detector sensitivity remains constant, even if the atmosphere around the sensor is unclean.
Flexible networking
A BC80 installation grows with you. When you extend or convert your building, the BC80 installation can be easily expanded. Up to 32 control panels can be networked via the A-Bus, while optional line or expansion cards increase the number of peripheral devices that can be connected.
Simple central operation
A clear user interface reduces the time your security personnel need to become familiar with the system. Rapid understanding ensures that they always react correctly. Both keypad and menu are ergonomically designed for easy operation.
Automated safety procedures
BC80 can activate other building controls via special interfaces. This allows the implementation of fire control systems that automatically activate initial fire protection measures, such as closing smoke protection flaps in air-conditioning ducts or switching off ventilation systems.