Von Foerster Elected Euralarm Vice President

Von Foerster has resolved to promote free and standardized trade in the European Community. At the moment, products and systems must be tested and certified in each EU member state. "The work and costs involved are immense. Our joint aim must be to develop a uniform standardization process in order to avoid costs of this kind," stresses von Foerster. The "European Quality Mark" (EQM) is a concept developed by Euralarm that fulfills this requirement and also ensures the high quality of Fire & Security products and systems. "One of the key advantages of this is that it encourages the acceptance of customers. This requires a standardized European quality mark," explains von Foerster. When it comes to implementing the EQM concept, the ZVEI is an active member of Euralarm.
Euralarm is made up of national associations from 14 countries and promotes the interests of European manufacturers and installers of fire protection and security systems, representing around 700 companies and a European market share of 70 percent.
The election of von Foerster as Vice President highlights the ZVEI's ongoing commitment within Euralarm to advancing the development of the security market in Europe, particularly with regard to standardization. The aim is to enable unrestricted competition at the required quality level, with a view to promoting civil security in Europe and around the world.